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Old 10-12-2010, 05:41 PM
wtexpricklypear's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: West Texas
Posts: 58

I just got the Simplicity stripper. It is only for cutting strips -- from .25 to 6.5" -- it is electric with a foot pedal. I also got a table for it so I have plenty of space to spread out. It cuts nice except that I am having problems getting the last few inches to cut. There is a guard the the fabric flows thru but it jumps out at the end and there is no place that I have found that I can grab to keep it straight. I just got it last Friday so I am looking for others that have one and how they get around the problem. It is fast, and the speed is adjustable. I just want 100% and right now I'm getting about 98% satisfaction!!
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