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Old 10-26-2010, 03:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Ohio
Posts: 24

I have had my sewing space in
1- a spare bedroom
Don't have any spares anymore since my mom and oldest
daughter moved in.
2- a space in the basement
That was dark dreary and depressing and away from
the center of the home
3- I am now in a small office off the dining room. This is my favorite, except it is too small. I used to work from home before I retired so it is still set up like an office with sewing stuff crammed in. My dream is to gut it, and make it into a nice sewing studio. It is usually in disarray, because I am not neat when I work. Then it gets to the point that I can't work in all the clutter so I clean and organize, and within a few days it is a mess again.
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