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Old 10-26-2010, 07:14 AM
arpdesigns28's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 75

Sewing Goals for October 26, 2010:

1. Finish a Circular quilt top I've been working on since like August
- Piece and sew borders on
- Sew on the last major border for the quilt top
- Sandwich and start drawing design onto the top
2. Study Calculus- Continuity
3. Continue my quilting, if the storm front Louisville's expected to be hit with doesn't delay me.
4. Assemble new sewing table (no, I didn't get this done last time :x) )

Well, I dunno, this sounds a bit on the overly-ambitious side, but striving for it. Hope everyone gets their tasks for the day done!! :)
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