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Old 10-26-2010, 07:25 AM
neonparrot's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Guntersville, Alabama
Posts: 71

Well, I lucked out. There are 3 huge rooms upstairs...our bedroom, my dh's office/room and my sewing room (plus bathroom). Mine used to have a hot tub in it, so it is ceramic tiled with big windows overlooking the lake. It is about 25X30 feet and all mine. Huge closets at one end with sliding doors we filled with white wire shelves. Down the center are 3 36x66" long tables for cutting, etc. I have 8 machines but I want to sell my Designer 1, as I just don't use it much anymore. This room is a sewers dream and guess where I spend all my tiime?
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