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Old 10-27-2010, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by irenecarter
It's after 3 AM and I have read every one's comments on where they sew Some of you are so blessed to have such large sewing areas and it fills all of us with envy.I've had five houses in my lifetime. The first was only a two bedroom and I sewed in the living room and stored my stash behind the bedroom door. When we moved my uncle said he didn't see how I got so much stuff behind there. Our second home was two story with large rooms but I didn't have a particular place to sew since it burned to the ground after six months.
We built another two story with very large rooms, and I had a 10x10 area in the upstairs hallway.
Leaving that and moving to another town, I bought an old house that we remodeled from studs out, and I finally had a cutting place on the counter that I could walk around. My sewing room was 8x26 and DH built cabinets down one wall of this long hall way. I loved it since it connected to a bedroom that we had turned into a computer room where he stayed most of our free time.
Leaving that behind I now live in a small 3 bedroom and have converted one bedroom into a computer room, sewing room. I have an ironing board set up in there where I sit my sewing machine, closet for stash and chest for fabric. I have a sewing cabinet, but the room isn't big enough to open out and have room to get into closet. Since we both have our own laptops I would really like to get rid of that huge computer cabinet, and make more room for sewing, but don't have the nerve. It does have three windows that give a lot of natural light, but for some reason he doesn't like the blinds open.My serger and extra sewing machine are setting on the floor under the sewing cabinet, so I can switch them out quickly when needed. I have a fold down table in the kitchen for cutting , that serves as a magazine rack of his Time magazine's that he seldom reads.
But when I'm piecing a quilt, I bring a folding table into the living room and set my sewing machine on it so that I can listen to the TV and be in the same room as he. I find that I don't like being in the other room working alone.
So I guess what it boils down too we each do what we have to do to survive this madness we call quilting.
For years my only sewing room was wherever I perched my portable sewing machine. So wherever you can find the space thats the place! I feel so lucky to have a sewing room now, but the down side is that my grandchildren live so far away and most of the time I go to see them, even though I am in Florida.
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