Thread: Bits & Pieces
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Old 10-27-2010, 09:18 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
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it depends on how small you consider not usable? it seems to be different for different people. i know people who will not keep anything smaller than a 2 1/2" strip or square. some people toss anything smaller than a 5" square...some people do applique and save even itty bitty pieces. when my scraps are getting over abundant (they multiply like rabbits) i donate them to either the senior center, the pre-school or the elementary school art department. sometimes scouts want them too. my granddaughter's claim a whole garbage bag full every year...of the smallest scraps. they make what they call 'treasure boxes' with their friends. they cover boxes (the file type that printer paper comes in) with glue and then start 'designing' by gluing fabrics all over their boxes. they love this activity and everyone lucky enough to recieve one really does treasure it!
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