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Old 11-01-2010, 06:24 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 265

As some of you have asked for the pattern for these EASY table runners here goes. I don't know who first made this to give them credit. Whoever you are thank you. OK, I will try to tell you how to make them. You need two pieces of fabric, one for the center and one for the back and boarders. The center piece needs to be say 12 inches and WOF. The other piece needs to be 18 inches and WOF. Once you have made one or two you will be able to adjust how wide or long you want you runner. Put your fabric right sides together and sew along each long side. This will form a tube. Be sure to remove your salvages either before you sew sides or after. I have done it both ways. Next you turn your tube right side out. Because the center is smaller than the back, the back will come to the front to form you boarders. You need to make sure the boarders are the same on each side of your runner. Next you will fold you runner in half length wise with the back together. Now sew across the ends being sure to match your boarders. I press this seam open before turning it to form a peak. You can finish with buttons or just tack the peak down. I hope I have explained this well enough for you to understand. Once you have made one you will see the possibilities of changing it. Let me know if there are further questions or if I can make it clearer.
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