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Old 11-09-2010, 03:01 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Ohio
Posts: 24

Until they move back home. Two of mine have been in and out, and now my oldest daughter looks to be here permanently. That's okay, because in the past I have done what you all have talked about. I have used a bedroom, set up a space in the basement.... Now I have my own little room off the dining room. I love being downstairs among the action, but also love that I don't have to clean everything up when I am finished for the day. If I had to haul everything out and put it back at the end of a sewing session. I would never sew. But even though it is "my sewing room" Seems like when there is something someone needs to store, or they don't know what to do with, it ends up in mom's sewing room. If I could clear all that other stuff out of there I could probably move around a bit more. I am not neat whether it is sewing, cooking, dressing, etc. So not having to clean up after myself everytime I decide to turn on the machine, is wonderful.. But at least once a month it gets so nasty in there I have to clean so I can work in relative peace. In fact this am was just looking for a pattern I know I saw on the sewing machine table a few days ago, but didn't take the time to store it in the binder that I have for all those patterns, and now cannot find it... Oh well it will turn up eventually.
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