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Old 11-28-2010, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
I have an ankle I broke in the 70s, first diagnosis was I'd never walk again so now I figure I'm ahead of the game since I can walk a lot. But when the weather gets bad the screws in it hurt like mad. Probably calcium buildup, but I rub on DMSO cream and it makes it better. I also take MSM for long term pain in the winter, also seemed to help a little bit with migraines, they aren't so bad when taking it. If I'd only stop eating things I shouldn't would not be so bad at all. I'm 77 and feel lucky to have the mobility I have at this age.
Please be careful with DMSO. It is a solvent and whatever you may have on your hands will mix into the DMSO and goes immediately into your bloodstream. The way that stuff was discovered to help Arthur. was that a couple of tree surgens had used it for something in their work and it mixed with the insecticide they were using and soaked in thru their skin and killed them. Make sure you keep it pure.
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