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Old 12-06-2010, 07:25 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 187

Originally Posted by joan_quilts
Ok, I have a Husqvarna Quilt Desinger I. It wasn't working quite right last week, so I took it to a sewing machine dealer/fabric store.

They did have to replace a few parts, that was $73. Ok, I didn't know I had a problem with those parts, but hey, they are liscensed to work on these machines.

I got the bill yesterday when I picked up my machine, and it was $200 just to "service" it! That means the yearly cleaning! The receipt said clean and labor, oiling internal parts and checking the belts.

I think that is way too much! It took them less than a day to have it ready for me to pick up. If I would have known it was going to cost $200 for the servicing, I would have never taken it to be fixed.

I am over reacting or does this seem kind of a high price to you? Thanks for any replies. I just needed to vent.
My husband thinks one should ALWAYS know ahead of time what the price will be "out the door". I'm assuming they called to tell you what parts needed to be replace and you approved that. Understandable.. I DO think it is a high price for "cleaning, oiling and checking belts". I would definitely speak to the manager or tech who did the work and let them know, nicely, that you think this was unreasonable and can they explain it to you so you can feel better about this expenditure. Otherwise, you will have a bad taste in your mouth about this shop. Small businesses should know this and take care of customers. Sorry this happened to you. I've had similar experiences and wish I had taken my own advice.
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