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Old 12-06-2010, 07:33 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Minnesota
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Around here the "bench price" just to take it in is $75! Then parts and labor is over and above that - It costed me $109 before they were done - needed a new bobbin carriage too - and I knew that going in - but wow!

But when you look at anything anymore -it it realistic? No! I think our world has gone crazy, greedy and in many cases dishonesty occurs as well.

like another person made the comment on the plumber; I own a home in Minnesota, - could not get to it to winterize it so asked the plumber if he'd go over and replace the battery in the thermostat, and put anitfreeze in the stools and drains, and he did to the tune of $125! I know if I'd have paid for the supplies myself, it would not have come to $10! So, although I was thankful he could do this for me, yes, the prices are outrageous, and it was not as though he had never done work for me before - he is my plumber, not a number out of the phone book~

So, gals, I do believe we are in a fix when it comes to needing anything done anymore; we are not all lucky enough to have our own handy man right in our own surrounds! Although my dh does work on easy thread locks and "defuzzing" the machine occasionally, but he can't do all.
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