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Old 12-14-2010, 09:20 AM
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Posts: 282

If I bought all the materials for a new project (including planning the layout), but never started it, is it a UFO?[/quote]

In my opinion(not worth enough to buy a cup of coffee), if I have bought fabric and a pattern but never made one block, that is not a UFO unless I still want to make that quilt. It would be some fabric to make another quilt I want to make at this point in my life. lol
Of course, if you don't have any UFOs and want to consider it one for this challenge, why not? I have several UFOs that only have the fabric already cut and one or a few blocks made. I have some blocks that were made with no other fabric cut, so I plan on doing some orphan quilts. Let me stop talking and ask our fearless moderator the answer to your question.(who was nice enough to start this challenge and I only found it last month).
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