Thread: accu cutter
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by gingerella
Today I used my Accuquilt fabric cutter for the first time since I got it Friday Evening.

The first turns were hard. I am into the fifth or sixth week of carpal tunnel/trigger finger surgery one hand and just carpal tunnel the other hand. No fun. I'm a bit concerned that it will not be easier with practice, but my DH has said he would help. I got it because I wanted to cut the fabric, not ask him to help me every time. RATS.

So, my first use of the machine was not too good. I am hopeful it will get better. We go down to Arizona for a few weeks every year after Christmas and I got it so that I could take with me in the RV. Good for that as it is portable. So, along with my small sewing machine and the Accuquilt I was truly hoping for a good few weeks down south. Maybe ..
Honey let him help,there far to few things men want to help with what a wonderful way to spend time together
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