Old 12-26-2010, 12:46 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: In Plain Sight
Posts: 290

2 Joanne's gift cards, pair of warm slippers,scones mix and blueberry jam and in our name DD and SIL gave a goat and chickens to a family in Africa (through World Vision)....I think that was the gift that touched me the most. Birthday is in Jan and DH is encouraging me to go look for a new sewing machine, Was a blessing to be with family in DD's new home, new baby and the Pastor and his family came over for desert. SIL was the only one who thought to invite them for Christmas desert. It was a wonderful day...full of blessings. My oldest GS's first question was ..."Please, tell me you got me soemthing other than clothes. " I did finish the baby's quilt and I hope it was well received...and will keep him warm. It is freezing here in NH. God Bless us all!!
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