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Old 12-27-2010, 11:05 PM
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I learned long ago to give gifts without being attached to a specific reaction. My kids taught me that when they were younger ("It's nice. (Pause) Did it come in a different color, Mom?")

This Christmas I stayed up unreasonable hours, determined to finish quilts for gifts. I had so many losses (friends dying) this year that I wanted to give something that would be a legacy gift since we never know... In any case, I made twin size quilts for my 2 year old grandson (he loved it!) & for my brother who sleeps in a hospital bed (he thought it was store-bought when his caregiver asked where I had bought it). I made a Q sized one for my daughter and son-in-law (who had been JEALOUS when I gave their 8 year old daughter her quilt for her birthday in Nov. My daughter said, "Thank you for listening and making one for me!"), and a Q for my older daughter (who loves hers). I had wanted to make lap robes for my brother and his wife but that's to come... I think I did well and I LOVED EACH OF THE QUILTS! I think I'll make one for my ex-husband as part of my practice in forgiveness. We'll see...
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