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Old 12-28-2010, 05:35 AM
Chigger Holler Quilter
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Sparta, Missouri
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So sorry! Don't let it get to you. If you EVER decide to make something for them again...try something small that you really enjoy making...(mug rugs?) or snap bags and then you can give them away and let it go!
I have five children and 5 grands. I made the oldest daughter a quilt....she said thank you, but....
I made her son a quillo when he was little and he loved it! He's 18 now and still has that thing even though it's in threads.He keeps asking me to make him another one, but I know that another one will never be as 'good' as the original. The others haven't gotten anything from me. MY BAD...I think I want to remedy that. My part is to do the giving...what they do with it is up to them. In life we win some and lose some! I think it's our hearts we need to be good with! (I would've loved to receive a bag someone else had gone to the trouble to make!)Many Blessings!
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