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Old 12-28-2010, 07:16 AM
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My husband's niece got married this summer. We gave her money. Later my MIL said something like, "I suppose everyone that gets married will get quilts now." I can only imagine this has been a topic of conversation. I told her, "I've never given any niece/nephew a quilt for a wedding gift." If one asked for one as a wedding gift I would, but they would have to ask me. I do give the grand nieces/nephews a baby quilt as a christening gift. I don't make complicated ones, because I'm never sure how well it will be received. One niece immediately facebooked me after receiving her son's quilt and I see pics on facebook all the time of him laying on it. Another niece uses her son's at the beach because, "Sand doesn't stick to it." It's ok, she's using it. Others no clue.
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