Old 12-30-2010, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by drgranny
By the way, My key board is acting up and I have to tap a lot of the letters more than once. I really don't spell that badley.
I was wondering!
I haven't read all of your comment, will go back and do that, but I want to ask you this: Is there anything going on in the schools, educationally, that resembles how YOU were taught or how your children were educated?
Another question I have to persons who defend teachers - - when you knew the laws being passed were bad for children and education, why didn't you speak up or make your union speak up - -
My four children survived public education - - and, thankfully, they were capable of educating themselves, because it wasn't happening in the classroom - - I doubt anything has improved in the fifteen years since the last one graduated, since nothing being taught today resembles what I was taught fifty years ago ...
Good teachers are being driven from the schools in droves (I would hope) because the alternative is to babysit badly behaved students who are only trying to keep up with the poor examples of behavior from teachers who should never have been allowed near the classroom.
Defending the current education system does a dis-service to every student and community ... we need to be educating people about what a GOOD education really looks like and produces. Sadly, I don't see the teachers or the unions making a move to change the degradation - -
as long as the adults in the system insist that there are no moral absolutes, I don't see an improvement in the near future. The symptoms indicate a more serious problem that has managed to contaminate almost every segment of our society. Unfortunately, most never even know that they have been infected. <wave>
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