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Old 01-04-2011, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by moonwork42029
Some of our Walmarts (I have 6 within 30 minutes in any direction) still have bolts. Recently I had my 80yr dad with while I picked out some fabric and enjoyed watching him "ooh and ahh" over it almost as much I did getting the fabric.

Anyway... no one was available to cut it except a very very nice young man that was willing to do it if I was willing to let him (after waiting 10 minutes, I would have let almost anyone cut it). Ended up, I cut it and he ran the pricing gun so we could get it finished up. While I was there, 3 other people came up and wanted fabric cut too. Well....being the shy person that I'm known to be, I cut their fabric also. The poor kid was so grateful for the help and the others laughed when they found out I didn't work there.

I'm crossing my fingers our other local wallys get the fabric back since we're in a rural area.
Is the quality of the fabric very good? How about knits? They are so hard to find. Does Walmart carry knits?
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