Thread: Memories.....
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Old 01-12-2011, 07:15 AM
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I remember them all.
We had blocks of ice delivered for our "ice box"
My mother heated a curling iron on the stove to curl my hair.
There were no plastic bags only paper. Everything came in paper.
We took the "street car" everywhere we went.
When we finally had buses, my mother made me stand so that older people could sit. It cost 5 cents.
We only had one car.
I remember car starters on the floorboard.
Downtown stores were only open one night a week on Monday.
Nothing was open on Sunday accept the bars.
I didn't eat in a real restaurant until I was an adult.
I belonged to 4-H. That is where I first learned to sew. I have a photo of a skirt I made with a zipper and you can see the hole at the top of the zipper where the zipper did not meet the waistband.
There was an organ at every theater and someone played it before the show.
When I visited my sister in Chicago, my cousin took me to a theater downtown where we saw Billie Exstein (?). The theaters had live shows with the movies.
My girl friend and I were the only (and first) girls that our gym teacher allowed to have gymnastics with the boys. We had to do whatever the boys had to do including lifting boys above our heads while we were on our backs.
We wore gym suits in gym.
Girls only wore dresses as there were no "pants" made for girls when I was a kid.
We walked everywhere.
My older sister and I (she must have been 21 and I was 10) walked a mile to get a "real" Christmas tree for the house. The man told us we could have any tree for a $1.00, so we took the tallest one. That was one long walk. When we got it home my mother asked the neighbor to cut it down. We used the top and it was only about 4 ft. high.
Never saw a school bus until I was in my twenties.
Went to a Catholic high school and wore a uniform.
Even our "Pep Club" had to wear uniforms to the ball games.
The boys on the football team played both offense and defense.
My cheerleader uniform consisted of a sweater and coulottes that came down to 6" above our "bobby socks"
Our gowns for Prom had to have jackets over them or the nuns would not let us in the door. We had our dances in the cafeteria of the school.
Our parents had to bring us to the dance and pick us up. We couldn't leave until our parents arrived.
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