Thread: Memories.....
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Old 01-12-2011, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 16

I guess I'm older than dirt--got them all.Diaper service or rinse them in the toilet and wash and hang them out. Bring them in frozen in the winter and thaw them out. Lived on a farm and skimmed the cream off the cans for whipped cream. All the kids worked on the farm and helped with chores. Neighbors helped neighbors, especially when they had trouble. Barn was cleaned by hand and shovel into the manure spreader. Postman knew everyone on his route and the route only had one number. Ten parties on telephone line. No sass to parents and we cleaned up and dressed up to go to town. The holes in our jeans were patched and only used for doing our chores, not for going to town. Older folks were "Mr. and Mrs." Teacher held class for 8 grades, up to 30+ children and older children helped the younger ones, and full respect for home, school, and adults. Weren"t we the luckiest people of all. We had so much and appreciated it and thanked God for our good life.
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