Thread: Memories.....
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Old 01-12-2011, 06:44 PM
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I remember all of these. I even delivered newspapers and there was 2 other girls that had paper routes. How about when the telephone rang, it was 2 longs & 2 shorts or any other combinations of rings. How about listening to the radio because that was about the only entertainment we had, Amos & Andy, Fibbermagee & Mollie, Sky King. The only movies we went to were on Saturday night, because that was the night everyone went to town to trade butter and eggs for other groceries. Baby sat for 25c an hour for 3 onery boys when I was a teen. Worked at a resturant in high school, coffee 5cents a cup, piece of pie 15 cents, club steak, potatoes, salad, bread & butter & drink for 85 cents. I was usually the one to do the ironing because Mom worked so that was my job. Bushel baskets of clothes that had been washed, starched and then sprinkled with water from those pop bottles with the tops with holes and the ironed, even on hottest days. Boy, does this ever date me.
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