Thread: Memories.....
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Old 01-14-2011, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Debra Mc
Ok all you oldies I got a question for you because I only know what mom & grandmother told & history books. My DS's junior class wants to have the 1940's as a prom theme. I can't for the life of me think of anything glamourous about it. All I can think of is rationing, hardly any butter, sugar or eggs. Gas rations & shoes. Red Cross rolling badages & mom said they use to knit squares in school to be made into blankets. They called it "Knitten for Britain." So help me ladies. I think the 1930's might have been better. But for the life of me I can't think of anything. Maybe Betty Grable & pinup girls but can't make that into a prom theme. Neither can a USO dance. Help.
I was born in the 40's so I too only know what I was told, how about "big Bands" & how america pulled together, women went to work, cause the men were fighting the war, that maybe was a good thing. and what is wrong with a USO Dance for a theme? Big band music could be played, some of the oldies from the 40s could be invited and teach the young whipper snappers how to jitterbug. Everyone could were period clothes. The 'oldies" would have a ball and bet the "younguns" would enjoy it too.
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