Old 01-21-2011, 07:38 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Boyd Co., KY
Posts: 117

Usually I will skim over the posts (of this wonderful site, thanks to all who oversee) and comment on only a few. However, this one has caught my attention and have read every post today. I work in a utility office and constantly wait on customers. Some of them I look forward to every month and some I grit my teeth when I see them come in the door. One customer in particular was what I considered rude month in and month out. I always smile and greet each customer with a Hello and try to make small talk, be friendly...etc... This lady just would never respond and always had a frown. One day she came in and I commented on the weather to her. She continued to frown and made the comment that her fibro-myalsia (spelling?) was just killing her that day. Let me tell you, that day changed the way I look at my customers. Had another instance that the husband came to pay their bill and the very next sunday, I found out that they had just been told (the very day he came in to pay) that his wife had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I try to look at my customers now with a lot more understanding and patience. I find that also when I am out, if someone is rude or impatient with me, I try to think that something in THEIR life my not be going so well and that it probably is not me at all. The Golden Rule usually works very well if we will just implement it in our lives.
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