Old 01-22-2011, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 34

I am happy to say that all my quilts are in use.My brother and his wife each have one that is, my son in Co has several, from me and from his wifes family, the gransD have one or two,I am waiting for a box to be mail to nephew and wife with their quilt. I had to laugh about the "is he saving it for his next wife "bit. I took a quilt with me to my ex when we were trying the should we get back together thing.It did not work and I came home. The quilt stayed, now he is married to someone else(the old man can't be alone,HAHA) and he is no doubt using that quilt to cover her too.!!!I don't mind tho , better the quilt than me there,one more example of you can't go back to what was, you must go forward and be happy with your life.I have.
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