Old 01-22-2011, 07:13 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 34

Wow! this can get heavy, If they don't want the quilt,just give it to a goodwill or shelter because there are many folks out there that need a quilt in this weather. Also there are many that could use it but are too timid or proud to ask for cover. There is not one child out there somewhere that doesnot need a blankie. I made a number of fleece lap blankets that I gave to the old soldiers home in Amarillo and they were happy to get them, some were quilts with fleece backing instead of batting inside.There was a fire in an apartment building near here that 30 apartments were destroyed and all belonging. Try standing in your stocking feet and shorts in 20 degree cold and watching you apt burn.I have some small quilts and blanket that will go there.so no need to get you drawers in a bunch and try to force the issue. Just give them to someone who really wants them and will love to have one.
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