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Old 01-25-2011, 07:28 AM
mommy and pebbles
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Missouri
Posts: 39

I know you will think I'm crazy, but here anyway. Have you ever watched the movie "Snow Dogs" (good movie) anyway there's a part in there where when the guy is having nothing but trouble with his slay dogs they tell him to "Bite the Alpha Dog on the Ear" sounds very strange right. Well I was having so much trouble with one of my dogs that as a last resort I bit it on the EAR, guess what it worked for me. Be serious doing it, it can't be any worse than growling, lol, try it you have nothing to lose, but I didn't tell anyone I was going to try it tell after it worked for me. Now all of you will think I'm nuts.Ha Ha.
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