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Old 01-26-2011, 03:03 PM
Happy Treadler
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Thank you SEW much everybody!
Well, I've returned from my great adventure. It has been filled with ups and downs.

The day started with hubby & kiddos giving me some gifts in the morning. It was in the 'downs' category - workout clothes & a pair of sneakers that didn't fit! And I do NOT work out. Hum, is he trying to tell me something?? NOT good.

OK, moving past that, I ate a handful of chocolate for breakfast. I figured, why not? The snow decided to come early, so we left a bit later and I ended up white-knuckled all the way down to Lancaster. We did stop for breakfast at McDonald's on the way. One up, one down moment. Oh, also found out the kids had a 2 hour early release due to snow, but thankfully hubby already asked SIL to cover that.

FINALLY, after 2 1/2 hours on the road (after getting lost because hubby forgot the Garmin & made a wrong turn) - a trip that normally takes about an hour, we DID finally arrive in the village of Intercourse (couldn't find Burkholder's in Denver, as I originally planned). We stopped in at the Country Store (I LOVE LOVE LOVE that place!), and I got a very cool Bear Paw quilt kit, 12 fat quarters for my Quick Trip quilt), and some needles. This was an "up" time.

We then left to go to Shady Maple for lunch, which we made in the nick of time because they were closing due to snow. Had a very nice lunch. Up time.

Because I got a 20% off coupon for Good's, we stopped there after lunch. I am SO happy we did, as I got a few yards of fabric, some thread, some quilting stencils, and (which I was very excited about), the 108"-wide backing I needed for DD's quilt so I now don't need to piece it!! Yee-haw. Good thing.

So, we headed home, picked up our kiddos, and came home to find our idiot dog tore our house apart. She raided our pantry and spewed food ALL over the house, trying to 'bury' the stuff in our couch and my sewing room cushions. She ended up ruining my wall in my sewing room. VERY bad time. This dog has separation anxiety, and has been put on Prozac and Valium to no avail. I do not know what to do with her any more.

I figured I'd download the pictures in my webshots instead of eating up all the memory here, so if you're interested in seeing pictures of what I got you can click here: There's even a picture of my poor wall.

So now I'm sitting here with a glass full of mimosa, watching the snow fall. Planning on stepping out again for dinner since I said I will not cook for supper. Maybe I'll try my new quilting needles out later.

So, I figured I'd share my 40th birthday adventures. Thank you so much for all the well wishes!

Trina :)
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