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Old 01-30-2011, 11:24 PM
The Creative Seamstress
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Well a really great homeopathic treatment (and I know it sounds totally gross but it totally works)... Grab a head of garlic (fresh) not something chopped/minced etc in a jar from the fridge... and break out a single clove of it, one that is small to fit in the outside area of your outer ear (don't put it in the canal). Remove the shell/hull of the clove to make sure it is exposed and gently rest it in the area (think like an earbud) and hold it into place using a bandaid on the outside of the ear. Sleep on it (try not to sleep on that ear though if its sticking out too much to be uncomfortable) and you'll feel tremendously better by morning. The garlic works as a sort of natural antibiotic and often clears infections in a day or few depending on how bad. If you try this and it persists beyond 3 days, its likely more severe and may require actual antibiotics and you'll need to see a doctor. Even Dr Oz suggests this treatment on his show... so I'm not totally off my rocker or anything, LOL. Good luck and I hope you feel better!

Explosive blessings, abundance and inspiration to you all!
- The Creative Seamstress
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