Old 02-01-2011, 05:01 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Washington State
Posts: 80

I'm going through the same thing.I have trouble getting motivated this time of year anyway.Winter blues I've been told. I also lost my mother just before Thanksgiving.Her Birthday was in January.So I'm missing her terribly. I'm having a new grandson here soon and feel terrible because I just can't get motivated to make him anything. Any ideas would be greatly appreciate.
Originally Posted by karensue
I managed to go one month without buying any fabric - that's an accomplishment - just keep telling myself I need to save my money for the Dewing Expo coming in March.

Well today I looked at my WIP (about 10 quilt tops done but need quilting which I hate to do).

Then I looked at all the "kits" or "bundles" of fabric that I've bought over the past few years - many of those just sitting there all nicely bundled.

And of course, there the "stash" of fabric and patterns and books sitting on the shelves nice and neat.

But I'm just not in the mood to do anything -- I need motivation. There are days I actually unplug the computer so I won't be on it all day, but apparently that's not helping either. I have a list a mile long "in my head" of all the things I want to do and I have the time and the materials to do them, just don't know why I can't get "kick started".

Does any one else have this problem or solution.

I am wasting my days and that's not too smart.

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