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Old 02-08-2011, 02:18 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Carp, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 36

Yes,Laulync, I will try to post the blocks. But like I said, I have ripped out everyone...duh on me...however, once I redo them, I will certainly try and post some pictures. Really, I am not a quitter normally and was once told that I had a great deal of determination. Guess I'll just have to tap into it now. Also, on another note, this has not been the best of times for me. My very favourite, and beloved kitty passed away yesterday and I am deep in grief. Sounds crazy, but I just can't help it. I've lost parents, favourite uncle, other dear pets, friends, but this has hit me hard. I think maybe it's because it was my 63rd birthday on Friday and I'm feeling closer to the end. Oh my, how morbid. Please forgive me for dumping on you all like this, but sometimes you just have to do what has to be done to keep your sanity.
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