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Old 02-08-2011, 02:24 PM
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That is so sad! Don't measure yourself against others!

They are NOT you!!!

Keep going - learn as you go along and NEVER rip out a block, unless its the usual little bit of reverse sewing we all do now and again - and now - and again, and now - and again........... LOL!!

Like the others have said - you will look back and learn and smile at that quilt one day. Do NOT let the investment and competition element of others get to you - YOUR reason for doing it is to learn - I am sure THEY respect that and offer lots of support and encouragement.

KEEP GOING !!! PLEASE - Post us Pictures so we can spur you on!!!

p.s. Just read your last post - I am a MASSIVE cat fan so you have my sincere sympathy for the kitty. (((HUGS)) BUT that is not a reason to stop QUILTING!!!
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