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Old 02-09-2011, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by MissBarkey
I am part of a Block of the Month group at my local quilt shop. I've been quilting for about 2 years and haven't really accomplished much, but I wanted to join this BOM to learn more about quilting and to end up with a beautiful quilt for my bed. Bad move.
The owner of the shop is a wonderful lady who is patient and helpful and the other ladies in the group are equally helpful. No -problem there. The problem is me and my lack of self-confidence and skill. These ladies are good....really good. They are doing this quilt as either an investment (it was costly) or as an entry in shows. I am totally intimidated by their abilities and have ripped out all my blocks I've done so far.
My question is this, should I just give up and chalk it up to an expensive lesson in "look before you quilt"? I really don't know what to do. Thanks for letting me vent.
I would not quit. Do you think these ladies have always been good at quilting? You will never learn or improve your skills if you quit. I say keep going and ask for their help when needed. I have learned so much from others in this process. I agree with the others, do not be so hard on yourself. No one is perfect, even those that you think are perfect are not perfect. I bet if these ladies are honest with you they would tell you how many times that they have ripped out stitches. I say keep working at it. You will be happy that you did.
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