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Old 02-12-2011, 05:32 AM
Beckyquilts's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 7

Yes, I do like it! And I'm so glad you used scraps. That's how I discovered this process. I had bought 3 bags of batik scraps for 50 cents each at a quilting garage sale. It turned out that they were all full of strips that were different sizes. I had been wanting to make a Lone Star and wondered...what if I used the different sizes anyway. With encouragement from a friend I gave it a try...and then made it into this pattern! That quilt is the one on the first page of my website.

It looks like you used the leftovers for the border, right? I've been wanting to do that, just haven't had time yet. Great job!!!

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