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Old 02-15-2011, 02:33 PM
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I used to get a horrible pain like that;... behind your scapula? ( wing/, shoulder blade?). then the pain radiates up your neck to the base of your skull, and you can't look up, or sideways?.... I only found a couple things that took care of it, in my case;
1. a capasacion (sp?)cream. Arbonne makes a great one. becareful it is HOT.
2. I found that my pillow was too flat, I'm a side sleeper.
3. pressure point massage, that's where your husband, or whome ever, takes their knuckle and digs into the 'knot' behind your scapula; yes, this is very painful, but you'll get some relief.
4.stretching exercises, where you hold onto the wrist on the painful side, and stretch that arm out in front of you, hold it to a count of 10, relax and do it again.
Good luck
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