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Old 02-17-2011, 08:30 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

a guild is a organized group of quilters. They usually have a meeting about once a month, with a speaker or program related to quilting. Ours has a library of quilting books and magazines which you can check out. It is a group of women (usually) who have the same types of interests. We have a silent auction to raise money for the guild every year in April and we empty our "no wants" to let someone else take home for their sewing centers. The funds help pay for the speakers and other guild expenses.A guild usually has "bees" or the different types of quilting projects, mini quilts, fiber arts, etc. These usally range from 6 to 20 members who meet either weekly or monthy for their own types of specific quilting.
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