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Old 02-21-2011, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by shequilts
A close friend of mine designed and copyrighted a beautiful 12 Days of Christmas BOM. I participated and gladly paid the monthly fee. Like so many exceptional BOMs, it wasn't cheap!
Tonight, a mutual acquaintance of both the designer and me, called to ask if I had made the BOM. I responded that I had. She immediately said, "Oh goody, I'll have to get a copy. It's too expensive to buy."
I was floored! I said, "You know it's copyrighted." She did not back up one inch. She proceeded to try to make a date to come by and get the pattern. I literally made up every excuse in the world why not this week. I have no intention of giving it to her, but don't want a confrontation. I just keep hoping she'll forget about it if I make it inconvenient for her.
I'm so annoyed about this. I know what I'm going to do and I'll end up having to end this relationship.
What would you have done?
You know what, you explained the law to her and if she insists that you do something illegal then how good of a friend is she anyway. You did the right thing and i'm not sure that i understand the whole "I don't want a confrontation" either, you told her no and explained why so that should be end of story!!
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