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Old 03-05-2011, 01:08 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Location: Merced, CA
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Originally Posted by Dolphyngyrl
I took 2 classes in college, one regular, and one ground fighting, they were both fun and challenging, especially the ground fighting one where you're pinned and have to get your attacker off of you, I just wish i remember more of it
One nasty thing to remember is that you have teeth. Army brother mentioned that about women being raped, move around till you have a good chance to "kiss" him, it will surprise him long enough to grab hold of his throat and hang on. Maybe even cut his throat, but who cares!! STAY THERE TILL HE IS ALMOST UNCONSCIOUS!! Then leave fast, perhaps kicking him in the teeth and between the legs as you go.
And there are a few other places that are very sensitive to being hurt. It'll take his mind off rape, pretty darn fast.
Remember those circus acts, where a woman hangs by her teeth in the air and stays there for a long time? Your mouth is
very strong.
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