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Old 03-16-2011, 06:06 AM
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I too have really dry skin and the dirt seems to dry it even more. I use Bag Balm. It is mostly lanolin with a bit of petroleum jelly. It is designed for dairy cow udders, now that bit of tender flesh is exposed to all kinds of weather not to mention the twice daily tug tug tug....I get mine at the Grange, but it is out there in box stores too, check the pet products departments first. It is great to put it on with socks or cotton gloves for overnight softening, I use it before and after any hard hand usage, such as cleaning and gardening. It is great on baby bottoms to prevent diaper rash and a small amount rubbed into dry ends the night before a shampoo will help the hair. The reason it works so well is that most moisturizers just sit on the top of the skin, sort of a moisture seal. Lanolin actually penetrates the skin cell wall to repair it and to keep the cell hydrated. Loosing moisture in the cell is the reason your skin is painfully dry. It is not expensive, a big can is about six dollars and will last for months.
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