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Old 02-15-2009, 06:37 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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geesh, I am reading and going, "oh, I can sooo relate to this"...and then read next reply and think it again...on and on.
I have to be in the right frame of mind or i do make more mistakes, but I also try to push myself to see if the "mood" might change if I actually turn on machine and put something under the foot.
I think I get distracted and start new projects, looking for a new high, which for me, turns into another ufo 'voice', calling to me.
I have this crazy idea, that if I am not in the mood, that starting something new will put me in the mood and I will just breeze thru this and carry that energy back to the project I am now avoiding. Guilt for starting new one, guilt for leaving old one...guilt rhymes with quilt. hmm, that's not the way it's supposed to work, lol.
So it may sound like I don't have any fun. Somehow, in all this, I really do. I am a conundrum. I don't think any of this is my fault.
Think we have those little angels and demons on our shoulders, trying to vie for attention and I get mixed up about who is talking to me. I need to turn radio up and drown them both out, LOL!!! :lol: :lol:
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