Thread: Baby goat died
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Old 04-08-2011, 04:57 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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I've raised goats for nigh onto 5 years now and I can tell you it never gets any easier with any you lose! It is something that is as heartbreaking with the last one that leaves you as the first one... I think i've shed more tears by losing my little ones than I've ever shed in my life!

Little goats seem to grow on you - they have such cute personalities and get to almost "talk" to you, and begin to understand just what you are even thinking.... and then one day they are gone! So sad.

I hope you never have to lose another little one! But, even though life goes on you still look back on those little ones who've gone on before.... we ask why? what did I do wrong? But, I have found to watch their eyelids for a pale look, or if their tails are down, or pale colored gums; it is a sign of parasites, and I can almost bet that is what it died of.. Goats are the hardest animal to raise for that reason... here today, no sign of being sick, and gone tomorrow! It's frustrating and it is heartbreaking.

Goats are still a mystery to the veterinary world - what works one time may not work the next... so it is strictly by luck that you ever are ahead of the game, even when you are taking perfect care of them.
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