Old 04-09-2011, 02:21 PM
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Location: Roseville, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by MTS
I've made several Lone Stars - but trying something different in the setting each time. Yeah, they have the same star, but no 2 really look anything alike.

Also Blooming 9-patches - more than a dozen as those are so much fun (for me) working to get the right fabrics. And those can end up with totally different looks - kids brights, elegant, oriental, etc.

I actually got sick of doing 9 patches so I used the fabrics chosen for my last Blooming to make a Lone Star. ;-) The star is done but it's in my UFO pile (for over 4 years :roll: ) while I ponder the setting.

I've made several RainyDay quilts - again, just testing how the the different fabrics can work.

I don't ever use "collections" of fabrics, or charm packs or layer cakes. Way too matchy matchy for me. I much prefer making my own fabric choices. Totally.

I have a fabulous baby quilt I make all the time because it's perfect and graphic and ignores whatever 'decor' the parents might have in mind. ;-) And I always, always know I have the fabrics needed on hand.

With the exception of the baby quilt (which can look similar even though each has different fabrics), I consider each one unique.
I'd like to know what your fabulous baby quilts are and the blooming nine patch.

I do almost every quilt twice to be sure I know the basics. I always use different color combinations.
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