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Old 04-16-2011, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Izaquilter
I have no idea what we are doing! After 9 yrs of holding my tongue, I finally told my son's wife what I felt (she's not DIL anymore). We've had Easter Egg hunts here in our small neighborhood where all the kids participate but we haven't heard a word about it this yr. DS was here yesterday (thought it was for a visit but was to pick up some left behind goods from when they moved)& he never said one word about Easter. He did mention 3-4 times that today is her birthday but when we gave her a gift card for Christmas she refused it so he spent it. I have half a notion for DH, myself & DS#2 to meet for dinner & not say a word. This has been going on now for 9 months & I'm tired of playing their little games. She has limited us to seeing our grandkids 'to once a month & that is when she says we can see them" She's punishing the kids & she doesn't realize it with her stupid little air head games she plays. As you can probably tell I'm just a little irritated with them but how long can one play the games that this girl plays? I'm guessing I will go ahead & make a ham & fixings & have what we normally do but it's so hard when you don't know how many are coming. Do I make Easter baskets for them & them not show up? I don't know what to do. Maybe if I do nothing it will shock all of them back to reality???? Here it is a week before & I haven't heard anything for sure from either of them but I will get a call around Thurs. wanting to know what is for dinner! I guess boys are so much different than girls because I talked to my Mom on the phone almost every day, drove 50 miles one way to see her atleast once every 2 wks & spent every holiday & moment I could with her. We had the June & Ward Clever family until this girl came into the picture & now things seem like they have been just tossed up in the air. LOL Gone to hell in a hand basket as my G'ma would say. So, I sit, I wait & I will scurry to make it a happy Easter if necessary. But one of these days.....(as Archie Bunker would say!)
I can also feel your pain. Sounds a lot like our family. Son and wife have to spend every single holiday with her family. My son in law used to call us the Brady Bunch because we were all very close and did a lot of family stuff. Now that hson has married this women (his second marriage) we never see or talk to him. When you do talk to him you feel like you are bothering him. We just feel bad because we don't know our 2 granddaughters like we do the other 3 gk. I just thank God that I able close to my daughter and her family and the grandson from our son's first marriage (whom son refuses to see). That's another story. Hope you still have a good Easter.
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