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Old 04-17-2011, 06:47 AM
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My kids and grandkids are all grown and live far from me so I don't really do holidays anymore. However I do have a funny story from when my kids were small.
Many moons ago I lived with my husband and children and all my in-laws on a cattle ranch out in the western Colorado desert. My BIL and SIL were still kids and Easter was a big holiday for them all. No candy eggs, just colored hard boiled ones. No grass in the yard, the only water for growing grass was down in the pasture. So eggs were hidden in some real creative places. Now the kids liked egg hunts so much eggs were gathered and re hidden several times that day. As a consequencee not all the eggs were retrieved or edible by the end of the last hunt. One year there were 3 dozen eggs out in the yard, we had hens. In a month or so Grandpa was in town driving his ancient Cadillac Sedan when there was a gigantic backfire from his car. The man behind him at the light had some very rotten hard boiled eggs splattered all over his windshield. Seem the tail pipe had been a prime and over looked hiding spot for the hunt. Now Grandpa was a man of few words, mostly he said yup, nope and maybe. He was very mortified at his car's indiscretion. The other guy was irate and Grandpa was unusually verbal with things tending to-wards "%&(*&*(**(*^%*(^*^%^*^*&^ Easter !!!!!!!"
After that all tail pipes were off limits for hiding spaces.
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