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Old 04-18-2011, 04:34 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Ft. Monroe, Va.
Posts: 27

What wonderful fabric! And look at the variety of motifs.. I have a OBW in progress and decided to put a solid color triangle between the motifs almost like on your design wall. I wanted each motif to stand out on its own. I also notice as with your motifs, they seem to fall into two categories - stars or circles, so I alternated them in the layout. As I cutthe last few motifs I had to arange the triangles in stars or circles, whatever was needed for the last row, even if that wasn't the best looking arrangement for those triangles. It was fun, fun, fun.. It is fun to have another person doing the same pattern and see how well theirs turns out. Yours is fantastic.
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