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Old 05-04-2011, 04:05 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 64

Originally Posted by gal288
During my career, one of my duties was running training sessions for groups of 50+. Chit chat during the meeting was always a problem until I used this method.

When I noticed someone talking, I would simply say, "Peg, do you have a question? or Peg, would you like to share your comments with the group?, or anything that would draw attention to the person talking." They will back down and sit quietly after that.

Once the group realizes that you are going to call on them, the talking stops. It's amazing how people don't want to be singled out.

After a couple of meetings, they get the message and usually the meetings run smoother from there on.

Hope this helps.
I really like this idea, I belong to a large group and this is one of our problem also. This sounds like a great way to handel it. Thank you for the suggestion.
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