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Old 05-17-2011, 04:49 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by TonnieLoree
Unfortunately, finances dictate scrappy right now. My parents were both children of the depression era, so I was raised to "make it work" with what you have.
I'm a child of depression era parents also, and sometimes it's like I lived through it myself! Haven't been able to bring myself to purchase new, full-price fabric for a whole quilt, even though right now I could afford it. Seems like I've always been afraid of the next depression. That is why I have started out scrappy, plus I love the look and the idea of creating something lovely and useful from disparate fabrics. I'm working my way up to a pre-planned quilt. Maybe I'll throw caution to the wind and buy (gasp!) a pattern!
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