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Old 05-20-2011, 05:22 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Somewhere inTexas
Posts: 968

I make a bunch of crepes - separate them in groups of 4 with wax paper between each, and place between 2 paper plates and then a zip lock bag.They freeze well. When in a hurry, I take them from the freezer (takes baout 10-20 min to soften) place a slice of boiled ham, slice of cheese, roll up and heat in oven for 15 min. While in oven I mix Mayo, honey,and mustard to taste, and a splash of Lea and Perrins (can't spell the "W" word) as a sauce to place on top when out of oven. Had this last night and placed asparagus on the cheese before I rolled up. I always have a frozen fruit salad (done in muffin cups) so I take them out as crepes are baking. There you have it!
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