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Old 05-26-2011, 08:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 359

If you still have strap marks on your face in the mornings, this will help. Make fleece sleeves for your straps, it helped me. Cut a 4" x 5" piece of fleece, I use black but you could get creative. Double fleece in half so you have two thicknesses on each side. Check how wide to make sleeve for the strap and sew together. I foundsmall pieces fleece in the remnant section at JoAnn's.
Cindy, I feel so much more rested when I use my machine. I hope you can get to where you can use yours successfully.

It's become a source of entertainment with my close friends. My quilting buddy threatened to"kink my tubing" so she could have my stash when we went to the Houston show one year!

Originally Posted by cindyjean
I have mild sleep apnea, but have had some major life issues from it... First machine I got, I used it for 5 days and sent it back. refused to use it. Then about a year later I was having more problems. I was so tired all the time, I had trouble functioning. Went to a different medical company. He gave me a newer model machine that was very quiet and he adjusted it so it would not be full force until 45 min. after I started using it. Which meant I could fall asleep before the full pressure.. I also used the nasal pillows. I seemed more apt to keep it on.. But as the months went by I was still extremely tired. The tiredness began affecting my job.. I was getting very fuzzy brained.. couldn't remember many things.. Made lots of mistakes.. My work was very patient and worked w/me.. I kept going back to the sleep Dr. and was told my sleep apnea was not bad enough to affect me like this.. I was at my wits end! I kept having blood work to see if there was something else wrong.. Finally I decided to change my mask. What a difference.. At first it was leaving big red dry marks on my face from the new mask. but i was determined to keep trying it.. I needed my mind back and I needed to not want to fall asleep while driving.. So I forced myself.. After a couple of weeks. I really noticed a difference. I got my memory back and my energy.. I have been trying to lose weight for 2 yrs and was not able to.. Now I am losing weight! But now I am having another issue.. Some nights I am having a terrible time sleeping. This is new to me since I first started the machine I could sleep, just wasn't the good sleep.. I tried taking sleeping pills, but made me so groggy all day, it affected my work.. Even tried a 1/2 sleeping pill. I don't dare go to the sleep Dr. and ask for help.. She doesn't help me at all. I think she is a terrible Dr. Since she could not suggest I try to change the mask and allow me to go through months of torment w/ the tiredness and memory loss.. There are no other sleep Dr's in my area. she came from 2 hrs away.. And suggestions would be welcome... : )
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