Old 06-01-2011, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Middleport, NY (near Buffalo)
Posts: 87

I'm pregnant with our first child so he's contained, for now. The only one who seems not to learn is DH.\

Things my husband has used my scissors for (mind you he's often had to buy me a new pair, but that doesn't seem to stop him):

1/ dog fur- to be fair her coat was thick and she was WAY too hot- those just needed sharpened when he was done

2/ Hoof trimmings- I trim our horses and the dogs like to chew the left overs, he used my scissors to cut one in half so each dog had part (why not break it? still no answer)

3/ Electric fence wire, and electric rope- scissors on the wire, rotary cutter on the rope! The rotary cutter taught him not to do that- along with the 4 butterfly bandages to his finger and thigh.

4/ Icee pop tops

5/ Packing tape from a cardboard box

6/ to poke a hole in a pop can- for fun!

7/ to open chicken packages- :roll:

8/ the insoles out of his shoes

9/ to try and pry a piece of metal out of a chunk of fire wood- hey look they snapped in half!

10/ to hold a nut when he couldn't find a wrench

All in all I just hide them now, but somehow they escape periodically. He's still alive, but looking at the list he's managed several things in the seven years we've been together and we've been married for four of those. Hmmmm.... maybe I deserve a present tomorrow! Oh well, scissors can be replaced and there's only one of him.

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